Our postpartum services are available to any postpartum person. These services are available even if you do not use Sacred Transitions for your prenatal care.
The Chinese call it zuo yuezi. The Vietnamese, nam lua in. Nourishing Traditions. Here in New England, it was named 'Mother Roasting' for the old colonial custom of adding extra warmth to the bed warmer after someone had given birth and was recovering in the borning room.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the birth journey is a cooling process. Warming, then, is essential in bringing the body back to balance. The use of warming oils, hot stones, steam, teas, soups and baths will assist you in your overall transition, and will help your body repair and regain strength and vitality. Applying gentle heat will increase circulation to an area of soreness or swelling. These services warm and honor; wrapping you in love and comfort, sealing your birth journey.
No matter the culture, the history of warming is the same. And it's been forgotten by most in the United States. Cross-culturally, it is believed to seal up emotional, physical, and spiritual gateways that have been opened by birth. It is a way of protecting the body, the newborn, and, as a result, nourishing you back into yourself after opening wide to deliver your baby.
At Sacred Transitions Midwifery, we perform Nourishing Traditions for each of our midwifery clients at no additional charge. This is a commitment that we have taken into our practice. We will see you a minimum of nine times after your birth. Below is a sampling of some of the offerings we may bring to your postpartum care, based on your needs and desires for this time.
If you aren't one of our midwifery clients, you can still take advantage of Nourishing Traditions. Contact us about pricing.
Sitz Bath:
Soak in a warm tub of herbal tea, specially formulated to help you heal.
Sitz baths can help with healing your perineum, sore nipples, and tired
muscles that get fatigued while giving birth. It is also beneficial for
baby's umbilical stump, which is just another reason we encourage
co-bathing at this tradition. Wrap up in a warm towel and tuck right into
bed to avoid a chill.
Honored Foot Soak:
Soak your weary feet in a foot bath and venture on the journey of birth story time... an essential practice that helps with emotional healing and processing of your birth experience. During this time we will listen
and hold space as you share your thoughts, feelings, and memories from your birth. We will be fully present as we welcome and validate your unique experience.
Hot Stone Abdominal Press:
A stone is heated, then wrapped in layers of cloth with a spice blend that has healing and warming properties. The hot bundle is pressed over the your abdomen infusing it with deep heat and soothing oils. This treatment is useful in moving the digestive system and stimulating the liver.
Belly Bind:
Belly binding has been used throughout history and various cultures to help restore tone, decrease back ache, improve posture, and slow postpartum bleeding. We bring a specially designed wrap and lend it to you for the first week of your postpartum recovery. This beautiful wraps are created in a way that takes a bit more time to correctly tie, but that time taken to focus on your own healing and well-being is part of the reason we chose them. Begin the practice of taking time to care for yourself now, and continue it into your parenting journey.
Abdominal Moxa:
Moxabustion is an external heat therapy that is applied on or over an affected site. It is made from the herb Chinese Mugwort. Moxabustion, also called moxa, assists with postpartum healing by warming the abdomen, stops pain, moves Qi, circulates the blood, safeguards health, facilitates a speedy recovery and energizes the body. Moxa is a useful treatment given sometime after the first week of recovery, especially if digestion is sluggish. It should not be used if the client presents with signs of heat. For example, a high temperature or night sweats.
Yoni Steam:
The concept of combining herbs and steam for medicinal use can be traced back centuries ago to eastern cultures in Africa and Asia. V-steams bring heat to the womb. The use of specific herbs work in combination to nourish, tone, heal, bring in fresh oxygenated blood, promote cleansing, and shrink the swollen vaginal and uterine tissues after pregnancy and childbirth. The recipient sits over a specially
designed sauna for 10-15 minutes. The moist heat opens the pores of the tissues it comes into contact with. The water vapor carries the medicinal benefits of the plants, including volatile oils. This is absorbed into the tissues and enters the bloodstream, having a direct healing effect on the reproductive system. Vaginal tissue is one of the most absorbent areas of the body.
Ceremonial End of Care Bath:
A beautiful ceremonial bath is drawn to honor and recognize your strength and the selfless sacrifice you went through to birth your child into the world. The final bath would mark
the end of recovery and the return to many responsibilities.
Our bath allows you to soak in milk and flowers and to
remember what it is like to have your body to just yourself.
Share your reflections on all of your hard won knowledge in our shared postpartum journal.
Soak as long as you like... we don't mind holding babies!
Sacred Tuck In:
The entire pregnancy and birthing process is about “opening”:
spiritually, mentally and physically. Once the baby is born, the
body benefits from “sealing” or closing that which may feel open,
or vulnerable. This ceremony provides mindful and intentional closure
to your postpartum care. It is a time for honoring your journey to this place,
and showing our gratitude for being allowed to provide your care, and
being given the privilege of your trust.